10 Unique Wedding Cake Toppers

People say that it’s good luck to keep your wedding cake topper to look back on on your first anniversary.  Here are ten super-unique options that you’ll want to put on display and look at every single day!

Silhouette Cake Topper

Halloween/Gothic/Skeleton Wedding Cake Topper

Princess and the Frog Wedding Cake topper

Seahorses Wedding cake topper

Groom Playing Guitar wedding cake topper

Zombie Bride cake topper

Look of Love cake topper


Love Birds topper (click this one to order!!)

iPhone wedding cake topper

Kissing cake topper










Top Dress Picks

I am {finally} back!  After going to a job interview, getting a job, and fighting off spam here on GMttC, I am back with a fire and ready to post some new goodies.  I have been looking through magazines trying to find some unique stuff to share with you all, but I haven’t come across anything really interesting…yet.

In the meantime, I wanted to share some really nice dresses with you.  Just click the picture to see where to purchase (if the place of purchase is available).  Some photos don’t have a link with them and I’m just posting them as inspiration for you all.

No link for purchase on this one.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t track down a link for purchase, but I will keep my eye out for similar styles.  I think this dress is absolutely stunning.

Strapless Falbala Wedding Gown with Handmade Flower Click for purchase.

This one is incredibly fairy-tale like.  Perfect for a garden wedding.

David Tutera for Mon Cheri

Lela Rose

Sophia Moncelli for Kleinfeld

Nicole Miller. No purchase link available.

Francesca Miranda


Watters Brides #3044B






Back from a Wee Hiatus

Just wanted to apologize for my absence!!  I am currently working on some new thing to add to GMttC, and I hope that you guys like them.  I have been looking for lots of goodies to feature, and have some stuff I’ve found in magazines that I want to blog about, also.


Hang in there with me!

Unique Bouquet Options

So, you don’t want to go with the real flower bouquet, and you don’t like the idea of a fake flower bouquet.  Here are a few options!

The origami flower bouquet:
I found this bouquet idea in the new Flea Market Style Weddings magazine.  If you guys haven’t checked it out, please do!  It is such an amazing resource for any bride..or anyone helping to plan a wedding..who wants to use vintage touches in their wedding.  The particular bouquet is actually featured on the cover of the magazine.

FMS WED Cover_official32581Isn’t it amazing!?  The particular bouquet featured is actually made of a vintage map, but you could use a new map.  Make it extra-special by choosing to use map pages of a place that is special to the both of you.

Or, you could use pages from favorite books, or, as I imagined, pages from a playbill from a show the two of you like or have seen together.  Plain paper is also an option, of course.  There are so many variations you could do!

Here are the directions on how to make the origami flowers.

The book page flower bouquet:
Here is another option where you could get really creative.  Again, you wouldn’t HAVE to use pages from books.  If you are a book lover like me, you get emotional just thinking of destroying a book, but it’s a good project for using those old, useless books you find at garage sales and flea markets.

Of course, regular paper and scrapbook paper with various patterns and colors would look gorgeous, too.

There are several styles of paper flowers you can make, and here are some tutorials for pretty much any style.  You can mix and match to your heart’s content!

Simple Paper Roses

Shaped Paper Flowers

Cupcake Paper Carnations

Simple White Paper Flowers

Coffee Filter Roses

Tutorials for Lots of Paper Flowers (really good variety)

Giant Paper Poppy

Crepe Paper Roses

Crepe Paper SnowDrops

Paper Cup Flowers

Paper Peonies

Antique Brooch Bouquet:
Ah, the antique brooch bouquet.  I want one of these for when I get married, but I really don’t think I would be able to do it by myself, and they get pretty pricey when you have them made for you.

Miranda Lambert carried one of these when she married Blake Shelton, and they’ve gotten even more popular since then.

This bouquet isn’t just lovely, it also incorporates the something old aspect into your wedding.  Browsing around antique shops and flea markets, you can find plenty of antique brooches to fit your needs!

Here are some tutorials for you, just in case you decide to make your own.

Tutorial from FancyPants

Tutorial from No Impact Bride

Tutorial from Offbeat Bride

Think outside the box!  Mix all these tutorials with silk flowers and fresh ones, too, for a very unique bouquet!



4 Alternatives to Unity Candles and Unity Sand

It’s a tradition to do some kind of “unity ceremony” in weddings.  Whether it’s the unity candle or unity sand, they both symbolize the same thing…two individuals coming together.  But for those who want to go the nontraditional route, but still want to symbolize a new union, here are some ideas.

1.)Plant a tree together in a nice pot together at your ceremony.  Both can water it, and then you have a nice little piece for your home.

2.) Each person has a gold fish (or other type of fish, as long as they aren’t the dominant or fighting kind…for example, no betas or Japanese fighting fish!).  Each fish is in a separate bowl, and for the unity ceremony, put them in one bowl together.  Again, a cute addition to the home.

3.) The “unity cocktail”.  Look up a cocktail recipe you like, and each person has the different ingredients.  Mix them together as part of the union ceremony.

4.) If you are getting married at a church, plant a tree together some place around the church together before your ceremony.  This works great if you’d rather share the unity between just the two of you and not an entire crowd.  OR, you could do it as part of the ceremony in front of the guests, if you wish.


Diamonds in the Rough

I realize that I have been away for a while.  Life sometimes just piles a lot on you all at once, and I had to take care of some things.  🙂  Life is really good right now, so, no complaints.

While browsing wedding stuff to post about, I found a few rings I wanted to share.

These are raw diamonds.  They are unique and totally different than anything I have ever seen before.  What are your thoughts on these rings?  Would you wear them?

rawdiamondsPicture 3709rawdiamonds3

Red Head Bride Pride

While looking through some bridal magazines and looking around online, I noticed something….

There are rarely ever any red-haired brides featured, or red haired models used in shoots for gowns.

Being a red-head myself, I found this a bit discouraging.  Do magazine editors feel like red-head models won’t “fit the mold” for modeling these dresses or something!?

So, I set out to find some pictures of some red-haired brides, just for a little inspiration.
redheadbride1via google

redheadbride2via imgur

redheadbride3Bridal shower invitation featuring a red-head bride, from invitationconsultants.com.

redheadbride4via elizabethanndesigns

First Looks & Groom Reactions: Why I Need Pictures

Every girl dreams of her hubby’s reaction when he first sees her walking down the aisle.

I know I want to see tears of joy on my wedding day.  Here, some examples of just that, and other reactions, too!

firstlook1(from weddinggawker)

firstlook2(from sparkleandhay.com)

firstlook4(from joielala.com)

firstlook3(via pinterest, original source unknown)

firstlook5(from whimsical wedding bliss)

firstlook6(from wantthatwedding.  Click for even more of these reaction photos)

I will definitely tell my future-wedding-photographer to be sure to get photos of my groom’s reaction.  These are precious!



Inspirations for a Daisy-Themed Wedding

So, my aunt is getting married!  I’ve actually known for a while, but I’ve started looking for stuff for her to fit her theme, and there is so much out there and it is all so beautiful.

She wants a daisy-themed wedding, and has said that she’d like to get married in May.  She’s such a carefree, beautiful person, and she has modeled her entire wedding after her personality.  I can only describe what she has decided on as bohemian, because she wants it outside, with bare feet, simple sundresses for the bridesmaids, and lots of daisies!

In May of last year, I went with her and her now-fiance to look at a place to have her “maybe” wedding.  See, he’d asked her before, but she said no because she just wasn’t ready.  She’d been married before, and I think she just had a fear of experiencing something bad all over again.

BUT, she finally realized that she has found herself an amazing man, and he asked her again and this time, she said yes.  So happy for her!  They are such an amazing couple.  They have a great sense of humor, and remind me so much of Jason and myself.

Anyway, I decided to put together this little dose of inspiration for her…and anyone else who may be planning a summer-y/spring-y wedding involving daisies.

The place we went to look at is in the middle of a historically accurate, reproduction town.  We live in North Carolina, so cute little antique-y places abound, but this place is close by and full of charm.  The only downside is that it is TINY and there is no way we could fit even OUR family inside the little chapel, let alone family AND friends.  So, if she does go with this location, we’d have to do it outside, which is absolutely perfect.

The place is so cute.  I would be tempted to use it if Jason and I ever get married, even though I would like a winter wedding and the place is closed in winter.  Maybe a good talk with the owner, and I could still book it…..

Anyway…this is the location.

SAMSUNG DIGIMAX A503The chapel is tiny, but absolutely stunning.  It would be perfect for any wedding with a vintage, bohemian, or rustic feel.

SAMSUNG DIGIMAX A503A shot of the front of the chapel shows that the “Chapel of Peace” as it’s called, has a small front porch area that is large enough for the ceremony.  If you would like to have your wedding at the chapel but still have it outside, guests could sit out in front of the chapel while the vows were said on the front porch.

But, if you had a very tiny guest list that could actually fit inside the chapel, take a look at the altar:

The decorations seen here are the ones that stay in the chapel as part of the decor, but of course, they could be removed for your ceremony and replaced with what you have.  Isn’t it perfect for a vintage/bohemian wedding!?

I wish I would have gotten a photo of the seating.  They are simple benches made of logs that have been cut.  Not much seating, to be honest.  You could probably only seat about forty people.

My aunt has mentioned that she definitely wants to use yellow in her wedding, so I put together some palettes that could work for her (or you).

daisypalI am a big fan of the yellow and gray palette, but I also like the yellow, blue, and white palette.  I saw a wedding using the yellow and pink and the yellow and orange palettes, and the yellow and soft buttercream palette is really simple.  The yellow and mint is something I thought might go well for a bright theme.  After all, not all brides are going to use the classic white and yellow daisy like my aunt is.  The Gerber daisy is another big one that is being used.

I tried to put together palettes that were easy to adjust.  All the colors could go lighter or darker and still look nice.

I found a VERY CUTE aisle decoration idea on pinterest earlier.

daisyrusticaisleAnother good idea for centerpieces, huh?  Simple and cheap.  And I love the mason jars.  You could also do tin cans filled with daisies and baby’s breath.  Cute!

As for the bridesmaids and the bride’s dress, I think simplicity would go really well with the theme.  My aunt has expressed to me that she’d like to go that route, but other’s may like something a bit more fancy.  So, I have put together an inspiration board!


Daisy Darlings Wedding Inspiration Board

My Favorite Styles for the Groom {Part 1}

I used to think I was a very traditional person, but now that I’m looking at some of the wedding stuff on Pinterest (I’m addicted!), I am starting to realize that I really don’t care much for the full on tuxedo look for the groom.  Particularly, I really don’t like the jackets.  It all just looks too stuffy.

I have already told Jason that if we ever get married, I would rather it just be the whole vest over a shirt deal.  Preferably with the sleeves of the shirt rolled up to the elbows, because, well, that look just makes me weak in the knees.

However, I would also like to have a winter wedding, meaning it will most likely be chilly.  Or at least too chilly to just be wearing a shirt with rolled up sleeves.  So if he wanted to go all out and go for a jacket if it’s cold, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

But, for those ladies who just can’t decide on a look for your groom, I have compiled a little gallery of the nicest looks for the groom.

These came from pinterest, so if your image is here and you would like credit or like to have it removed, please let me know.


I’m usually not a fan of bow ties, but there is something about this look that I like.  The light color of the jacket is unexpected, and the soft color of the tie is nice as well.  It has a very vintage feel to it, which I find unexpected and nice.


A shirt and suspenders.  Simple, yes.  And…is he wearing jeans?

groom3Although the jeans are a bit too casual for my taste, I do like the shirt with the tie.  Simple, and still looks nice.

groom4The slim-fit pants and the snugger-fitting jacket in this one are unique, and I like that.  I’m not a fan of the boxy-fitting jacket that grooms usually wear, and I like this style.

For the next installment, I will be including even more looks.  🙂